Association of Rangers and Conservationists Victoria


Aus Alps Ranger Relay "3 Peaks" Recap!

Published Thu 01 Dec 2022

With the ambitionus target of hiking the entire Australian Alps Walking Track - with a relay style batton handover across 17 legs in 42 days, working with representatives from the Protected Area Workers Association New South Wales (PAWA) we set out to plan this event. It woudl start in Walhalla with a Welcome to Coutry with the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation. The hike would culminate at 

We experienced heavy rains with floods and landslides across all 3 participating states in the lead up to our start date, with significant damacge to both the AAWT and access points. We decided to scale back the effort for this year and re-focussed to reaching the "3 peaks". It was a great collaboration and we look forward to re-visitng our original plan to hike the full AAWT in future.

The purpose of this activity was to allow for great networking across our association and states - raising funds through the Thin Green Line Foundation for a Ranger project in Mount Kenya.
